This picture I just loved and was so excited to edit it...

The model is gorgeous, the accessories are awesome and I was picturing a fantabulous composition~
But when I finished the final edits something was bothering me....can you tell what it is?
Her ring is UPSIDE DOWN and it was driving me crazy!
Now that may not be a deal breaker to you but I just couldn't let it here's what I did...
I opened the final in photoshop elements 6 for mac...I duplicated the layer...then I selected just the ring with the Quick Selection Tool and put it on it's own layer and simply twisted it to where it was right side up~
And here's the "final" final...
So what do you think? Would you have changed it too or am I just an obsessive freak?
BTW - (that's text talk for By The Way...I just learned that!) I edited this photo with the Coffeeshop Orton Action and the PW Seventies Action. Love the dreamy look it has~
I would have done the exact same thing. The ring was the first thing I noticed when looking at the photo.
Guess that makes us 2 obsessive freaks :D needed to be flipped. It has such a strong presence that it was just too odd to be left upside down!
it was my first thought as the page loaded before i even read your post. i would have changed it too! love the picture btw!
It looks great flipped, I would've done the same thing!
I agree too that you should have flipped it. It really jumped out at me also.
It looks amazing, I love the way it looks vintage! To me anyway! I would have flipped the ring too, but the one thing that stands out to me and I say this in love, her hand looks like it needs more of her knuckle to show, like more tint of the knuckle, her hand looks to smooth so then to me it makes the ring look like it is just put there.
I love all your work you do, you are an incredible photographer and can do wonderful things to them to bring out the best features!
I totally "get" it!! Though you are a creative genius and I am a "wannabe". Seriously you have true talent. WOW
I would have fixed it also:) I think a photographers eye catches things most people dont!!! BTW do you do all of your editing in Elements? I cant wait for CS5, you will be amazed at how fast & how much more you can do.
It would have taken me a long time to notice. But you are right - it definitely needed to be done!
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