I'm baaaaaack! And I'm better than ever.
{well, that last part remains to be seen, but haven't you always wanted to say that?}
In case you were wondering if I had fallen off the face of the earth, I haven't. Last fall I had the great fortune to actually start booking more clients...
which meant I spent more time shooting
and editing
and meeting
and designing
and learning
and emailing
and facebooking
and and and
You get the picture. Surprisingly enough I realized that with a short 24 hours in a day I am only capable of doing so much. And with 4 children who want to eat every single day and demand clean underwear at least twice a week, something had to give. So I stepped away from my beloved blogging to try and maintain a grasp on the chaos I still had left.
But the blogging gal inside of me never shut down. Every time I would learn something new or make an epic fail or try a fantastic new photo product I would be thinking in my brain about how I would love to share my thoughts with the world. So here I am back in the blogging world with an overload of random thoughts spilling onto the page.
I warn you, it may get messy.
I've experienced sooooo much since last fall in photography and business and everything in between and I just can't wait to share it with you. Every experience is just swirling around in my brain and I can't quite seem to sort it all out yet. You ever get like that?
For instance, a few things I've learned over the past months:
~ Facebook is an evil necessity to me. Necessity because it's the only place I can reach tons of people with my photography for free. Evil because it breeds insecurity and doubt when browsing other photography pages and comparing to my own work.
~ Getting the shot right "in camera" beats fixing in photoshop any day.
~ I'm a sucker for templates. I stink at graphic design so I bought a ton of templates last year to have plenty of options for products. I need to control myself.
~ Even though I stink at design, I wish I could create new marketing products every day. I love the creative outlet it provides and I really love showing off all the awesome people I get to photograph.
~ Shooting with the end result in mind has completely changed my photography habits.
I'll talk more about all those things later. I hope you stick around for it.
One thing that hasn't changed...I still love textures. Always and forever.
Here's a lovely B&A with 2 lovely sisters/singers, showing how I enhanced their photo with just a few lovely textures. Aren't they lovely?
{well, that last part remains to be seen, but haven't you always wanted to say that?}
In case you were wondering if I had fallen off the face of the earth, I haven't. Last fall I had the great fortune to actually start booking more clients...
which meant I spent more time shooting
and editing
and meeting
and designing
and learning
and emailing
and facebooking
and and and
You get the picture. Surprisingly enough I realized that with a short 24 hours in a day I am only capable of doing so much. And with 4 children who want to eat every single day and demand clean underwear at least twice a week, something had to give. So I stepped away from my beloved blogging to try and maintain a grasp on the chaos I still had left.
But the blogging gal inside of me never shut down. Every time I would learn something new or make an epic fail or try a fantastic new photo product I would be thinking in my brain about how I would love to share my thoughts with the world. So here I am back in the blogging world with an overload of random thoughts spilling onto the page.
I warn you, it may get messy.
I've experienced sooooo much since last fall in photography and business and everything in between and I just can't wait to share it with you. Every experience is just swirling around in my brain and I can't quite seem to sort it all out yet. You ever get like that?
For instance, a few things I've learned over the past months:
~ Facebook is an evil necessity to me. Necessity because it's the only place I can reach tons of people with my photography for free. Evil because it breeds insecurity and doubt when browsing other photography pages and comparing to my own work.
~ Getting the shot right "in camera" beats fixing in photoshop any day.
~ I'm a sucker for templates. I stink at graphic design so I bought a ton of templates last year to have plenty of options for products. I need to control myself.
~ Even though I stink at design, I wish I could create new marketing products every day. I love the creative outlet it provides and I really love showing off all the awesome people I get to photograph.
~ Shooting with the end result in mind has completely changed my photography habits.
I'll talk more about all those things later. I hope you stick around for it.
One thing that hasn't changed...I still love textures. Always and forever.
Here's a lovely B&A with 2 lovely sisters/singers, showing how I enhanced their photo with just a few lovely textures. Aren't they lovely?
I'm glad you're back blogging, though I do check in on your FB (which I find evil just because it will not let you go once in its grasp!) What a difference in the pic of the sisters! Love how the textures warmed up the pic!
ReplyDeleteThank You hootnonny for sticking with me! Yes, Facebook is a love/hate relationship these days:)
ReplyDeleteI'm just finding you, glad you're here! Read one of your articles on Erin's site. The sisters photo is beautiful! Can you tell me which textures you used? I liked your comment about preferring to "get it right in camera" to spending lots of time in PS. Are you shooting jpeg? Thanks so much, you inspire me!