
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Got Lightroom? Here's Some Help!

So after 2 years of debating and agonizing and fretting I finally got some new editing software, Adobe Lightroom 3.  

Actually, it really wasn't that hard of a decision.   My oldie but goodie Photoshop Elements 6 is still doing a fabulous job but I was wanting something with more of an organizer.  And I wanted a little more control over the basic editing processes like white balance, clarity, and all the other practical stuff.  Plus after seeing that a whole slew of photographers I admire use LR3 as their beginning editor it was a no-brainer to go ahead and upgrade from Elements. 

I actually got a *fantastic* deal on the upgrade from!
If you have any Adobe products make sure you register them and you will get discount offers all the time from Amazon and Adobe to upgrade!  

So a few days after I got the disc I installed all the software, opened it up and was ready to Jump....Right...In!  
Within seconds I realized that unlike Photoshop and Elements, which have the same interface, Lightroom and Photoshop look nothing alike.  Yikes.  Which is exactly why I headed over to Texas Chicks Blogs & Pics and signed up for her Lightroom online classes.  

If you're new to Lightroom or just want to utilize every little feature, you need to check out these classes.  Erin knows all the ins and outs of Lightroom and Elements and she generously shares awesome tips every week on her blog.  What I enjoy most about Erin's teaching style is that she breaks down every step and really gives details.  She often includes helpful screen shots in her posts like this one...

I can't wait to actually do a live online class with her!  I'm doing both the beginning and advanced classes and they're coming up THIS WEEK so check them out and sign up now!

CLICK HERE to link to all the info about her classes and see what we'll be learning at each one.  
They last about 1.5 hours each and they're cheap!  Be sure to tell her wayoutnumbered sent you!

...and if you've got any fab Lightroom tips I'd love to hear them....share your wisdom and Wish Me Luck in my new venture ~  We'll see if this old dog can learn new software!


  1. I have had LR2 for 3 years now and always use it for cataloguing and for basic editing. I love that it preserves your original photo. You can also export to PS, make more edits there and after you hit SAVE it puts the edited copy right beside the original in LR. Great purchase!

  2. I had no idea it placed the edited by the original...I can't wait to find out how to do that! I played around with it yesterday and I love the crop feature...I'm excited to start using it more. I'll let you know how the class goes. Thanks for the tips!

  3. I just got LR3 and CS5 student editions from Amazon. Since I'm software and lens poor (just got the 50mm 1.4 lens)right now, I'll have to pass on the classes right now. But I wish you well.

    Here's some LR sites a friend sent me:

  4. Christy,

    I recently purchased LR3 also and am anxious to learn it. But I have just realized that I am missing a lot of my folders. Not LR3's fault but i was reminded that i was missing some files when LR3 listed a bunch of files that i have not seen in years. is a really good place to ask questions.

    all the best,



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