
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Anatomy Lesson...Sharon in the Snow

OK, this post is jam packed full of photo goodness ~
Which is translation for {I have gobs of things to share and not enough time to share it all so I'll pack them all into one major post}.

First off I have an Anatomy Lesson for you of one of Sharon's maternity photos.  Now I just have to take a moment and spout off my opinion on maternity photo shoots.  Basically, the majority of maternity photos are, IN MY OPINION ONLY, cheesy.  Do not send me hate mail, it's just an opinion.  Yes, the baby bump is glorious and can never be duplicated so I'm all for getting photos while you're pregnant.

Interesting fact:  I've been pregnant 36 months out of my life and don't have 1 decent photo of me pregnant.  Someone needs fired:)

Anyway, back to my rant, I don't prefer the cheesy photos {you know what I'm referring to} but I do believe it's a fantastic time to get some great photos of the woman.   My philosophy is this:  I want to capture some fabulous images of the lady....who just happens to be pregnant at the time.   I don't think the belly has to be in all of the images because I'm certain that every time that lady looks at those images, she'll know she was pregnant when they were taken.  So there's enough of my soapbox for today...on to the photos...

I opened my original image in Photoshop Elements 6 for Mac:

I think Sharon looks like a supermodel here but I want to direct the focus more on her face so I cropped the photo to a horizontal aspect.  Then I softened the skin.  Now I'm ready to add some textures.

I added 3 textures and erased the effects off of Sharon but left them on the background:

Next I wanted to add a light glow so I ran the Pioneer Woman action Lovely & Ethereal and erased just a bit off of her:

Lastly I ran a light Defog action just to increase the contrast a little and here's my final:

She's 7 months pregnant, hanging out in a blizzard and still looking *fab*....if she wasn't my BFF I wouldn't like her at all~
Here's a few more from her maternity session...

This one was both our belly is shown but there's no doubt she'll never forget that she was 7 months pregnant and about to turn 40 when this shot was captured.

So tell me, what's your view on maternity images?  

Also, for those of you enjoying the's the video of me editing the photo of Sharon in the Snow.  I LOVE your feedback on these and appreciate so much those of you that have watched them, I hope they're helping!  I have to decide in 3 days if I buy the software that captures these videos or let my trial expire....ohh the decisions!!

Just for kicks, I happened to find 1 decent picture of me while I was pregnant.  Here I am in all my baby belly glory, about 13 days before baby #4 was born.  I have no idea who took this or what I was wearing ~



  1. THESE ARE BEAUTIFUL!!! Not just anyone can pull maternity pictures off, and you BOTH did it!!!! How beautiful she is and the ones in the floppy hat are to die can see the joy that radiates from her and her most special time!!! Great job!

  2. Anonymous2/24/2011

    LOVE the tutorials! Hope you continue doing them. I am just learning PE and these really help alot! THanks!!

  3. Christy,

    Just wanted to drop you a note to tell you that your video tutorials are great! I am learning so much from them. Please consider continuing the software past the free trial. Love your work!

  4. gorgeous the editing..thanks for sharing.

  5. Hi w/o! What did you use for the background of the shot of her in the hat with her eyes closed? That one is definitely my favorite.

  6. Just found your blog and loving it! Thank you very much for the video tutorials! I'm learning lots as I'm a beginner with PSE 7. Can't wait to continue reading on....


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