
Friday, January 28, 2011

Shoutout to Jessica Drossin Textures

In case you haven't heard, I'm a texture junkie.
I apply textures to *almost* every photo I edit, for business & personal.  And I love love love to pass along the info for all the great textures I use and to give Shoutouts to all the great women that create them~

You've heard me singing the praises of Patti Brown {I can't live without her Dream Collection}, Florabella, ShadowHouse Creations and now Coffeeshop has created a texture set.  

Today I want to tell you about my new love, Jessica Drossin Textures.  And as all great love affairs
usually begin, it started with a little Funky Disco.  

This texture...

...totally challenged me but I thought it was killer as soon as I saw it~  The color palette is neutral but the actual texture is pretty intense and not one that could be used appropriately on just any ole photo.

But of course I just happened to have an image of my BFF Raindog that I loved the mood of but couldn't  figure out the right way to enhance it....I thought it needed a little *somethin somethin*~  Here's the original:

This was taken right at sunset when it was really getting too dark to shoot anymore but I love the coloring and the feel.  I decided to apply Funky Disco to Raindog and see what's the result...

I like ~
It's weird and unusual and kinda eerie....I'm good with that.

Anyway, this was a long way to tell you that you should definitely try out Jessica's Awesome Textures and what's even better is that all her sets are just $25!

*Sidenote*  I posted this image on Jessica's Facebook wall and told her that I'm an official stalker of hers now and gushed about how I adore her textures.  She responded and said that even though she loved that texture she almost didn't include it in the Pack because she thought it would be too difficult for people to actually use it properly.  She was so thankful that I shared this image with her that she gave me her Texture Pack 1 to show her appreciation!!  Jessica is not only amazingly talented but generous as well~  That's a nice combo.

*Another Sidenote*  Now that I'm rambling I think I need to do a whole other post about all the generosity that I've experienced from other photographers over the past year.  It's shocked me over & over how much time and knowledge others have given to me with no purpose other than to just be nice.

*Last Sidenote*  I've been experimenting with making Video Tutorials!  Basically I would record my screen while I edit and then post the video for the world to see.  If I make them, will you watch?

*Very Last Sidenote*  Raindog hates this picture of herself.  So, being the fantastic BFF that I am, I've posted it on about every forum there is and will probably make a life-size canvas of it for my future studio.  I'm just awesome like that:)


  1. Yes! I would watch them for sure! Very cool texture.

  2. Yes for me too I love your work and would watch anything lol and thats what bff's are for lol

  3. I love this post! I have been a stalker of yours for a while... I love your creativity- it's a breath of fresh air! I would totally love to learn something new. I {heart} nice photogs as well! Great post and fabulous picture!

  4. I would love to watch you edit a pic. Am such a fan of your work!

  5. So neat, I love that picture!


  6. <3 !!! Thanks!!! Nice work!


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