If you haven't, you should. Her portraits are compelling and so full of emotion.
But don't just take my word for it....she's been named "One of the 10 Best Wedding Photographers in the World" and also was the first woman to receive the "Icon of Imaging" award from Microsoft. She's pretty good~
And if you haven't guessed yet, I'm a fan.
A few weeks ago Bambi offered a rare opportunity for photographers to send her one portrait image to be featured and critiqued. Now you'd think the thought of being critiqued by one of the best photographers in the world would scare the pants off me! But instead I was so excited and emailed her a photo about 60 seconds after I read her blog post announcing the challenge. I barely took any time deciding which photo to send and just emailed the first one that popped into my head. I knew it was a slim chance that my image would even make the cut but ya never know until you try.
This is the image I submitted for the portrait critique......meet Riley ~
Isn't she lovely?
So back to my story.....I was shocked and thrilled when less than 24 hours later I received an email from Bambi herself saying she'd like to use my image!! My elation quickly turned to being mortified because she also told me that I sent the photo in the wrong format and I needed to resend it for it to be usable.
I hate formatting:) hate it:)
So here's the lowdown ~ Bambi has featured my image on her new pro website that she's created along with a few other photogs you may recognize....Kevin Kubota, Tamara Lackey, Jerry Ghionis...the list goes on. The site is PWSPI and you need to check it out.
Each Friday she will critique an image and open the forum for other photogs to voice their opinions as well. She's classy and kind and the spirit of the critique is not to be mean but to encourage where improvement could be found. I was thrilled to hear her opinions and I'd love to start participating in more critique forums to gain new perspectives on my images.
I'd love for you to check out my critique and read what Bambi had to say....and I'd love to hear your opinions too! You can post your comments on the pwspi site or here on my blog...or both!
You can read the post here...
Bambi Cantrell Critique
And just because I love this lovely girl, here's a few more images from this series....
~ Thank You Riley and Thank You Bambi ~
BTW...did I mention I hate formatting:)
WTG thats awesome ;)